my diary in life임정남
my diary in life
August 1, 1942.......... birth
October 1969 ............Seoul Mayor aword
April 1970. ................Seoul Mayor of the Best Citizen Award
July 1970....................Seoul Mayor of Saemaul leader, .
April 1972: .................Best Dongmin Award, Comrade Junnongdong
May 1972 ...................Seoul Central Broadcasting Station an essay elected
.July 1972....................President Park Jung-hoi Invited Special Invitation
to the Blue House in ....
1973 ...........................essay elected", Tongilwon"
June 1973....................a one-act drama/culture station
May 1974 ....................Seoul Mayor of Children's Favorites Awards
December 1975, ..........essay Best elected
Jan. 1976 ....................TV Short Film Seoul Central Broadcasting Station
March 1976.................. radio Drama Broadcasting kbs Station
June, 1976, ..................Director of Police for the Best Citizen Award.
Jan. 14, 1977, ..............immigration to Canada, Toronto, and Canada.
Dec. 1988......................essay elected o k b a
March 1988 ..................Korean Achievement Award, ndp
March 1997: .................The Private Businessmen's Association
March 1997 ...................Korean Society of Korean People
Dec. 1997,.................... Vice Chairman Hanin Ndp
, September, 1998 ................reword......Korean Senior Citizens' Association
March 1999, ..................Vice Chairman of the Buddhist Association of Korea
August 1999 ..................reword o k b a
March 1999.................. Essay elected o k b a
February 2000............... Deputy Director- o k b a
February 2000 ...............Steering Committee Co-operative
March 2000 ....................General Affairs 5th Provincial Council
July 2000........................ Best Bowl Champion Globemail
August 2000 ...................Korean Association of Audit and Inspection
October 2000..................Korean Senior Citizens' Association
August 2001 ...................Korean Association of Audit and Inspection
Dec. 2001....................... Korean Association of Audit and Inspection
November 2002................Committee for Korean Achievement
Munhwa Broadcasting Station, photo- essay
January 21st, 2003.Part ........1 2 mbc tv
February 25th, 2003.Part........1 2 Re-run all TV
April 1st, 2004 ....................Korean Association awards
December 19th, 2008 .........P a t Korean Food co .Awards
May 19, 2012.....................awards....Canadian Buddhist Association