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english ( 전체 게시글 수: 11 )
Morning scent임정남 2022-02-27
첨부 파일:  



Morning   scent




The coffee shop which is spreading scent of humanity.


It has been distributed free-coffee for a week from


Feb. 29th at mc donalds.


Normally. There is always busy and lin-up in the mornings.


A free coffee-served week is more busy than the usual.


Today. I have started walking from 8:00 in the morning


And went to the mc Donald at 9:00.


I was standing in the line at the coffee shop for waiting


my coffee .


 orderd  “ one black, please “


She she asked  “ why you didn’t order for 2 ”


I said “ my wife is sitting down over there .”


“ So I will give you two.”


And she gave me two cup of coffees .


Indeed .  we have to line up one by one for getting a


Free coffee.


I appreciate for her kindness as she offered two coffees


Even I had not asked them.


Furthermore. She must be tired for satictying each costomers.


But she was smiling and joing her best.


I felt that the world is still beautiful.


And my heart became for warm the cffee.

