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the traffic control임정남 2022-02-19
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the traffic control
Feb. 20th 2003 The Traffic Control Jimmy (Yonge Cigar) When we drive, we can often see that the traffic control signal’s power is gone or even if the power is on it doesn’t change with blink. At that time, we are anxiety and don’t know how to move each car because there are maybe some risk to clash among the cars by mistake. In addition to this, there is getting much traffic and this is too bad for busy people who don’t have much time. One day, I was frightened out of my wits at the traffic control signal on the Dufferin and North
Steeles. The traffic control signal was just blinking so that many cars had to repeat going and stop and it was taken so long time to get across. When I tried to go ahead because that was my turn, a car next to me came across at the same time so that I had to stop immediately. At that time, it sounded that a car clashed against my car. I immediately check my car how much damaged. Fortunately there was no damage. However the man who clashed against my car was my customer who came often to my store. I thought I’d to control the traffic and then I wanted to try it, but I was not brave so that I couldn’t do anything at that the moment. I was used to
regret why I couldn’t control the traffic at that time. Again I’d been met the broken traffic control signal on the Bathurst and Clark. My hart started biting suddenly. I thought I’d control the traffic but I was timid again. I hesitated with shyness for a while. I thought, however, “If I don’t do now, I’m going to regret a lot of things and I never get such this chance again. So I have to do this.” Finally the courage made me stop. I stopped my car near by sidewalk and then I went to center of the intersection. I sent stop signal to all four directions with
raising both my hand and then I again sent signal to move toward south. From that time the cars started to move easily. I moved fast my hand because there were too much traffic and I made cars move to north and south and then I sent stop signal with raising both hands so that cars could easily move to east and west. While they past me, they said to me “Thank you and thank you!” again and again. I don’t exactly how long I was there. Maybe it had been over 20 minutes since I started controlling the traffic. While any officers didn’t come until that time, I was warring about my wife was waiting for me. At that time, someone suggested that she would call officer
and I accepted that. I continued controlling the traffic. I think it was miracle that I did the control traffic very well without any practices and experiences before. I smiled with thinking I was better than any traffic policeman. When it had maybe been 30 minutes, a policeman came finally. However their first saying made me regrettable. They said to me “This is so dangerous!” instead of greeting. It seemed they were asking why I did such thing. But I didn’t care because many cars could save time and safely moved. I was very proud and
pleasured. After that time, I met again broken traffic control signal on the Alen and Sheppard. Alen Road is a semi highway so that there is always much traffic. In addition to this, the traffic signal on the road was broken so that many cars had to wait in row that was maybe over 2 km. First I exited the road and then I parked my car at a side street. I went to the intersection on which the traffic control signal was standing. As I did before, I sent stop sign to four directions and then made cars pass to north and south first. Although I made other cars pass to east and west as soon as possible, it took so long time because there were already many cars in row. I moved
my hand so fast for the car’s moving quickly that I was very tired. But I couldn’t quit it. I made many cars pass safely for 30 minutes. I could feel so good and worthwhile in proportion to many cars. From now, I’m sure that I can control traffic without hesitation whenever and wherever. When I think those days, I’m getting buoyant.