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english ( 전체 게시글 수: 11 )
news paper delivery?임정남 2022-02-19
첨부 파일:  
newspapper delivery
Feb. 20th 2003 Newspaper Delivery Jimmy (Yonge Cigar) I like reading Korean newspaper because my English skill is not good. I want to know news about here and homeland and I am anxious about behind stories of the day’s accidents and what the new happened. Then I’m so glad when I get newspaper. However, the newspaper delivered by mail often is late 2~3 days and sometime it is delivered after buying at
grocery so that I have to pay twice for it. Theses days I can feel comfortably and thanks for delivery every day. I ordered to stop the delivery and started to buy it at a grocery. However, sometime I had to wait for over 30 minutes to buy newspaper because newspaper was arrived lately and sometime when I often go in vain in spite of waiting for long time I was despondent. The Post service went on strike so the mail delivery was stopped in June 1991. At that time I thought how much our Koreans are concerned and waiting fop it as me. I thought “if I delivery newspaper to them they
will be so pleasured.” I imagined their pleasure and decided to delivery newspaper. I went to a newspaper company as soon as my wife came to store. I went to basement of the company because I visited first time so that I don’t know even where I was. There were some machines and newspapers plies so I could guess it may be print part or delivery part. I often saw some people, however, I couldn’t say anything because I was so nervous and shay. I just wandered and came out. But I couldn’t give up. I needed
courage. I decided to find an office again. When I came at the first time I couldn’t see sign, however, there was small door with office sign before going basement. I opened the door and then I came in. I said to a worker my regarding. The worker was so glad to hear from me and appreciated very much. Finally I started to delivery over 20 newspapers with map. At that time my arranged zone was from the Shapperd to the highway 7 & Dufferin. For the first delivery I was so confused to find houses and road
even if to find house is easy in Canada. Because I was busy to see sign and when I went to wrong way by mistake I had to wander so much. I found and went to wherever which were apartment, house, plaza and factory. The reader was so nice to see me. I felt lot of worthwhile with their pleasure. On the delivery I had some anxieties if I could meet one knew. Fortunately I couldn’t meet any one. However I found a
company’s name and address that were the one’s who is like my brother. I was confused a little bit. When he moved his company to new location I didn’t go and see him. I had to do. Until that time I never met him. So I hoped not to see him because I was so shame and sorry to him. When I arrived at the company with nervous there was no one and door was closed. It was so fortunate. When I put the newspaper into mailbox I smiled with thinking that I’m delivering his newspaper. The first day was taken long time for delivery newspaper because I awkward to find houses, but the
second and third day were easy. Someone may rebuke that I was doing for being reported on the newspaper. But I asked to them that I never be reported on the newspaper and I was worried that my wife would know about this. Fortunately I could finish without my wife’s knowing. After finishing the post service’s strike, I got a thanks letter and some money. I couldn’t them so I sent some gift things that I bought with more money for use of event.